Design Philosophy
Design Styles
Design Process
Master Plan Projects
A Multi-Phase Project
Hardscape Projects
Before & After Projects
Contact Us

"Jill did such a great job listening to all of the little things we were looking for. The final product had it all and went far beyond our expectations." ~ HW

Most, but not all, of my Clients have an idea about the type of garden they like. Some have strong emotional responses or ties to landscapes from their childhoods. Often a Client will design their architecture in a certain style because they want the responding type of landscape style. My job is to provide the design that builds those dreams into their perfect landscape.

JTM-LA prefers not to impose a specific style to a site. Instead, I listen to the goals of my Clients for the property, analyze the site for both attributes and weaknesses, and respond to site conditions and the proposed or existing architecture.

Water is an element in the landscape that can come in many forms and styles. The photographs below represent some of the different ways water has been designed into my projects.
